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Category: Natural Farming EN

Malaysia should support and adopt sustainable indigenous knowledge and practices for livestock husbandry

Malaysia's demand for livestock continues to grow as meat consumption per capita keeps increasing. Per capita consumption of beef has increased from 2.4kg/year in 1985 to 8.4kg/year in 2010 and our self-sufficiency level for beef is 28%.  In Malaysia, poultry and pig production has developed to a stage where it is self-sufficient.   To meet the increasing demand, farmers and...
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Growing organic vegetables in an apartment

With increasing food prices and the health problems created by the use of pesticides and chemicals in our food, is it possible to have healthy food? This is made even more difficult with urban living where most of us live in apartments without any available land for planting food. For one who has some initiative, it is not much of a problem. Mrs K K Tan, 43, started her efforts in planting greens...
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How to make Farmers’ Effective Micro-organisms

Farmers’ Effective Micro-organisms (FEM) improve the soil, reduce plant disease and promote plant growth.  INGREDIENTS Pumpkin—3kg,  Banana—3kg,  Papaya—3 kg,  Brown Sugar—3 kg,  Eggs—5,  Water—10 litres     PREPARATION 1. Chop the fruits. 2. Add all the ingredients listed above into an air-tight container. 3. On...
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Why Organic Farming?

Organic agriculture is defined as "a holistic food production management system, which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished...
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Make sustainable agriculture mainstream

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) calls on the government to mainstream sustainable agriculture in Malaysia. Malaysia is currently facing increasing challenges in the form of food price increases and climate change, requiring a re-look at the agriculture sector and agricultural policies. It is clear that there is a need for a radical overhaul of the agriculture sector in order for...
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CAP shows the way with earthworms

Vermihome — a place to breed earthworms — has been successfully initiated by the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP), as part of our programme to promote sustainable agriculture. The vermihome was set up to educate the public on how to convert kitchen and garden wastes into vermicompost which is very useful for organic farming. The home will also serve as a training place for those...
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Organic SRI rice: higher yields and safe for us and the environment

A participant at the CAP Go Natural fair, Cik Salwatinisa from Tunjong, Kelantan proudly displayed a range of organic SRI rice, farmed and milled for consumption by her company, Sunnah Tani Sdn. Bhd. in Tunjong, Kelantan. SRI is an acronym for System of Rice Intensification, a method of rice cultivation developed and popularised in Madagascar in the 1980’s. SRI is not a standardised...
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Organic farming for food security and health

Organic agriculture is defined as “a holistic food production management system, which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It emphasises the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. “This is accomplished...
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Good food is healthy food

“If your body is clean enough, it will tell you the truth” Mr. Lim Ewe Hin is the owner of a vegan restaurant on Rangoon Road in George Town. A trained civil engineer from the University of Mississippi, he was a site engineer for eight years before choosing to commit himself to the cause of feeding people with only the best kinds of food around — food which is meatless, free from dairy,...
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Agricultural, home and health solutions at CAP Fair

CAP organised a Go Natural Fair on 18-19 December at the Botanical Gardens in Penang. CAP had been frequently accused of being negative and not providing solutions. The Fair is a humble attempt to show that a lot can be done if the public take the initiative into their own hands. The Fair demonstrates various methods used by farmers locally and from India and Indonesia to produce organic produce...
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