(Image via Healing ADHD & Asperger’s Without Hurting)

We are exposed to chemicals every day through the products we buy: cosmetics, shampoo, plastic food containers, paints, electronics, and even food. You may think it’s just a little bit and is harmless. But the problem isn’t a one-time exposure. It’s the constant, repeated interaction with harmful substances in our daily lives that builds up into harm.

Every little bit of toxin that enters your body adds up and increases risks to health. One single chemical may have no effect on its own. Yet, it may have damaging effects when combined with other chemicals. This is called the “cocktail effect” – which can occur when you are exposed to many chemicals from a variety of sources.

The combination of multiple chemicals can be more toxic than the individual chemicals alone. This can happen even when the individual chemicals are present at levels below their known safe threshold.

Keep this in mind when you next go shopping and choose safer alternatives.