Modern living often pushes us to buy more than is necessary. Ads tell us to own more things, to acquire the biggest home or the latest car – materialistic pursuits that get us to splurge only to end up being more unsatisfied and unhappy.
It’s time we learnt to live simply. Living simply isn’t about loss. It’s actually a gain – many meaningful gains. When you live simply, you gain time, space, money, energy and attention – precious resources that you can redirect toward what really matters (Psych Central).
A lot of people choose to live more simply after discovering that consuming and buying things doesn’t make them happy, says an article in Psychology Today. They find a greater sense of well-being from owning fewer things, reducing the amount of pressure on themselves to work to buy more things, and gaining extra time to spend doing the things that bring them true joy.
Living simply can result in a variety of positive outcomes including the following: financial sustainability; feeling less stressed about money; better work-life balance; more quality time with friends and family; increased spirituality; environmental sustainability; getting a better sense of what really matters; a greater sense of freedom; and the ability to discover true passions.
Simplifying life (by reducing our possessions and consumption) and self-sufficiency (eg: growing our own food) yield many good returns. They are the true riches in life.