Desiderata is one of the best-loved poems in the English language, and is revered by many as the ideal philosophy of life. Written in 1927 by attorney Max Ehrmann, this poem (which means “desired things” in Latin) is about finding peace and happiness through living a meaningful life. It offers practical advice on how to be kind, true to yourself, and appreciate the world around you.

Specially composed as advice for youngsters, the poem teaches a number of lessons in life:

Have a peaceful co-existence with other human beings. Speak the truth, and at the same time, listen to others. Celebrate our achievements as well as our plans as the journey is as important as the destination. Be ourselves, particularly in matters of love and affection. One must be at peace with God and with oneself. Despite its imperfections, the world is still a beautiful place to live in.

Read and be inspired.

(Image via English Literature)