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Author: Lai Cheng


Craving for salty junk food, sweets or deep-fried snacks? Instead of reaching for potato chips, doughnuts or ice cream, which can lead to weight gain and poor health, try healthier alternatives. If you’re craving: > French fries or Potato chips: Replace with salted cashews or peanuts (but nuts without salt are healthier) – they are higher in good fats and protein. Or munch on an apple....
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Ever noticed that many of the healthy foods we eat physically resemble different parts of our bodies? Ancient philosophy says the shape of plants give clues as to their purpose. It’s not just a coincidence that kidney beans are actually called kidney beans, or why walnuts look like tiny little brains. Here are some foods that look uncannily like body parts – and they also happen to benefit...
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A California doctor took to TikTok to explain how vaping compares to cigarettes. He said that vapes are hotter than cigarettes, 'barbequing your lungs'. A doctor has warned that vaping is 'barbequing your lungs' and increases the risk of lung transplants in young people. Dr Brian Boxer Wachler, an eye surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, took to TikTok last week to explain why vaping is more...
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Malaysia must return to prefab low and low-medium cost homes

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) urges the government to revert to prefabricated low and low-medium cost flats and apartments. Malaysia adopted a prefabricated building system (also known as ‘prefab’) in the late 1960s, building low-cost flats in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, being the first Asian country to do so. Rifle Range, Kampung Melayu, and Noordin Street Ghaut flats in Penang;...
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Phase Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) make up a relatively small share of all registered pesticides. Yet, they cause the most severe harm to human health and the environment. Each year, around 400 million farmers and farmworkers are poisoned by pesticides, resulting in at least 11,000 deaths. Because they are highly toxic, HHPs are responsible for a large number of these acute unintentional...
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18 Asian NGOs Call on Europe to Ban Amalgam Exports & Manufacturing

18 civil society organisations in Asia – including Consumers Association of Penang and Sahabat Alam Malaysia – have sent a letter to the European Union (EU), urging for a ban on amalgam exports and manufacturing. Amalgam is a primitive, tooth unfriendly holdover of dentistry of an earlier era, an uncontrollable pollutant that poisons fish and vegetables that children eat. This is their...
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United Nations Seems to Boost Plastics Industry Interests, Critics Say

Ahead of a groundbreaking treaty to reduce plastic pollution, a group of independent scientists fear that the United Nations is legitimizing industry-backed proposals such as chemical recycling. The plastic crisis has grown exponentially. Despite marketing claims, less than 10% of the plastic waste from recent decades has been recycled. The rest gets incinerated, is buried in landfills or piles...
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On 25 to 29 September 2023, governments and other stakeholders will gather in Bonn, Germany in a once in a generation opportunity to address the #toxiccrisis. Hosted by UNEP, the Strategic Approach on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is the only global multi-stakeholder platform for chemicals and waste policy. However, SAICM’s lack of ambition and decisive action on Highly Hazardous...
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