Conserving energy in schools often translates into energy efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings. For SMK Convent Butterworth, there is additional value in implementing energy-saving activities – it has created awareness in students and teachers about the importance of judicious energy use, and has developed a spirit of cooperation and responsibility in students.
“Students have become more responsible” – Teacher Nurdini Zulaikha binti Mohd Nizam
Since the commencement of the energy saving program in our school, we have continuously worked out ways to provide our students with the right knowledge of energy saving and efficiency. We believe energy savings should be an integral part of their lives. We have appointed 2 energy monitors for each class to implement the proposed activities and further ensure that the rules are followed.
In our school, each classroom is furnished with 4 fans. Before 9.00 am, students are allowed to use only 2 fans. However, during the extreme heat we Malaysians typically encounter, we allow the students to use all the fans. This is to avoid heatstroke among students, as the teachers prioritise the welfare of the students above all. Extreme heat is one of our challenges in reaching the goal of reducing electricity consumption. As for the teachers, the air conditioners in the staff room can only be switched on after 9.00 am.
Since our effort on energy efficiency is still in its early stages, we put a reminder on top of the electrical point for students and teachers to remember to switch off. The energy monitors and teachers continuously share information with the school community on the need to practise energy efficiency. We educate them on greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, carbon emissions and their relevance to the electrical appliances we use daily.
Our school will continue with the save-electricity project. We urge students to practise whatever they have learned in school at home as well. After the program took off, we noticed some positive changes in the students in terms of energy-saving. When we conducted programs in the hall, we had to repeatedly request that students switch off the lights and fans. However, now they do it without waiting for the teachers to say so. We could see that after the energy-saving project, the students became more responsible and functioned efficiently.
“Morning assemblies held in the open field help to save energy” – Teacher Nur Hayati binti Ahmad
Schools are the right platforms for implementing energy-saving practices. Here we have a large community comprising students, teachers, administration staff, canteen staff, and general workers. If teachers and students are absent from their operating places, we check that the electrical appliances are switched off. When students are in the hall for physical exercise, there is no need for fans because physical exercises are meant for sweating out.
Initially, our morning assemblies were held in the hall. With a large number of students, the use of lights and fans is inevitable. At present, all our assemblies are taking place in the open field. It not only saves electricity but also contributes to better health.
While teachers in the morning session turn on the air conditioners after 9.30 a.m., teachers in the afternoon session turn off the air conditioners by 5.30 p.m. The teachers’ room at our school has 2 air conditioners. We arranged for all teachers in the morning session to sit together, and the same rule is applicable for the afternoon session. That way, we switch on only one air conditioner at a time. By doing so, we could save a significant amount of electricity because, as we are all aware, air conditioners are one of the electrical appliances that consume a high amount of energy.
As teachers, we are responsible for creating awareness about energy use and ensuring students abide by the rules set by the school. The true achievement is when students bring these values to their home and wherever they go.
“Save electricity: Open windows for natural ventilation” – Form 4 student Mitrashree Thilagaraj
When our teacher introduced the energy-saving project in our school, it piqued my interest, and soon I started looking for more information to expand my knowledge on energy-saving techniques. We, the students, are engaged in various energy-saving activities at our school.
The lights in our classrooms are turned off by 9.00 am. Before 9.00 am we are allowed to switch on only 2 fans. We let the windows open to improve ventilation in the classrooms. Our school’s air conditioners temperatures are set at 25 degrees for optimal efficiency. So far, I have never come across a student who would not cooperate with our energy-saving activities. I am really grateful to be part of this endeavour.
From what I have learned, saving energy is crucial to reducing carbon emissions and preventing global warming. By reducing the electricity bill, we could save money and channel the money for other useful purposes.
When I first told my parents about the energy-saving initiatives, they were more than happy, especially my father, who, knowing its significance, supported me throughout my efforts.
Growing indoor plants, reducing hot showers, avoiding storing hot food in the refrigerator and opening windows for natural ventilation are a few things that I do without fail after learning about energy use and its impact on the environment. Opening windows is a big move because that way we get fresh air and eventually reduce the need for air conditioners. I learned that air conditioners consume a lot of energy and create pollution, such as greenhouse gas emissions.
As students, we understand how important it is to conserve electricity. Hence, we should work very hard to fulfil our responsibilities. This is our great chance to save the earth.
“Practise judicious use of energy” – Form 4 student Siti Norbalqis bt Syed Aneesuddin
When our teacher first talked about saving electricity, what struck me the most was reducing the electricity bill and the need for conducting green activities to save the earth. The most important lesson I learned is to use electrical equipment only when needed. When the class ends, I turn off the lights and fans.
Energy monitors and students also do the same thing, and we cooperate. Even when some students show their inconvenience over switching off the electrical appliance, they still cooperate.
At home, support and appreciation from my parents helped me carry out the task of reducing electricity with more confidence. They are happy that I open the curtain often for fresh air.
Saving electricity is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which helps reduce global warming. This, in turn, helps control flash floods and extreme droughts.
I am more conscious after my involvement in the energy-saving project. I will continue to advise friends and family to use electrical equipment judiciously.