According to some food guides, you are not only what you eat, but also when you eat. Here’s a compilation of useful nutritional advice on when to eat the following 4 foods for maximum benefits.
ORANGE. Citrus fruits like oranges may increase acid production in your gut, increasing the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcers. And the fibre and fructose in them can slow down your digestive system if eaten on an empty stomach.
APPLE. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system, recommends having apples either 1 hour after breakfast or lunch. Our body has reduced digestive acids in the evening, which slows the process of digestion. Having an apple after 6.00 pm will cause it to stay undigested in your stomach for a longer period, leading to digestive issues and improper sleep.
BANANA. Bananas may lead to mucus formation according to Ayurveda, and should be avoided at night, especially if you have a cough, cold, asthma, or digestive issues. Generally, eating bananas before breakfast or as part of a balanced meal may help promote satiety and aid digestive health.
NUTS are better eaten in the morning. Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body. Ayurveda advises eating nuts first thing in the morning or as a mid-day or evening snack to keep cravings at bay.
(Graphics via Life Pad)